🚸We are all KidZ 🍭


We are all children.

As the soul is an infinite part of an infinite being. A living organism ; the body, is a vessel that carries around its proximity the cosmic energy. With-in itself, around it, through time as energy transfers from one vessel to another, and where-ever else imaginable.

Time is the most complex question everyone asks what is it. Further than that is a hard question into what is consciousness.

The latter of which is explained as a time dependent result. Time + Energy equals consciousness at the very basic level. It can be explained more through these examples:

A: The process of action as well as reaction between inanimate objects as well as living organisms.

B: A hierarchy or rules that define an organism (a bear hibernates, so its consciousness follows the rules of hibernation defining one behavior specific to bears).

C: A measurable presence with-in the brain of living organisms that after 'death' is absent.

D: A transparent system that controls the ensemble of organs with-in an organism to produce the needed requirements to further its existence via buying food, maintains a safe cave/dwelling, participating in mating rituals, maintaining a healthy body, blemishing to fit in, and so forth.

E: The capacity to communicate via physical means electronic and chemical impulses, words are sound, sound is air pressure, thus language is a physical means of communicating 'thoughts and feelings' (electrical impulses).

F: The animation origin for all movements in a living body.

G: The ability to count time, as well as that of judgment.

H: An automatic process that regulates the balance between activity and inactivity.

J: An inner-voice.

K: Held and repeated neural activity that creates the mind of a life-form (though a mind is a brain, and consciousness is a mind; their all one).

L: Everything with-in an organism connects at a nexus, that nexus is consciousness.

M: Liberated existence from God (even if it is temporary).

Of course! Definitions of what consciousness is can go on and on, becoming philosophy. Philosophy comes from the abundance of food. For if humans had to constantly think about what to eat next, there would be very little room to just sit around and wonder why the stars are blue and yellow. Its a matter of time management.

Time is very relative. For some creatures it is faster, for others it is shorter. Time is a measure of how long a creature will be alive. Long means to measure length, time is a distance. Speculations onto forward thought theories can be such as; Time is a form of transporting energy from one point in the universe to another, diffusing it as well as transporting it.

Time is also the count of a metabolism, how many calories get burned by how many movements.

Which, in a bigger sense is:

The count of movements an organism has before it becomes inanimate. Simple as that.

We all believe that we grow old, as to pressure ourselves to accomplish feats of peer recognition, quicker. We have to be impatient for some strange reason. We also have to stay focused on the world of today, filled with many toys. A fast sports car (a hotwheels car you can drive), a swimming pool (a big bathtub), a gun (an object that throws 'rocks' really fast), alcohol (getting dizzy without spinning, but better), musical instruments (like singing but louder and you don't run out of breathe!), even construction is just like playing with really fun big complicated lego blocks.

Ask what it means to be a kid. Out of all of those definitions, a few happy little words also define the notion; Happy, joyful, pure, energetic, creative, curious, fear-less, accepting. A pure being.

Than as time goes on these words become less a part of a description of many people. Why? We have a mission, every single person has a purpose and a reason to be on this planet.

The further any-one steps away from their mission the deeper the sadness becomes and the more the absence of these things captures their aura.

For the sake of sitting around and doing nothing the churches of many men believe there is a battle between good and evil. Just like little kids they wait for God to do something than go around saying " I told you so!". For some reason religion has been very successful.

But science is better.

A discrediting statement would be to say that young children know how to speak and write, but in other languages that are either long forgotten or far ahead of the days of today, but yet when an older person is possessed by madness they are believed to speak in tongues.

Life is a game, its fun to play along, and be cognitive. Failing, is pretty harsh and the consequences are huge (kids get put in time-out or as grown ups call it, prison, or kids are isolated and stranded on the streets, others are alienated and left to just work to feed themselves). Good thing most people have two loving parents at the very least.

There are rules set-up, and standards established. It is a playground this world we live in, and the jungle gym will break heads open if they slip. The kids will corner their peers and pummel them with fists and kicks. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but time will one day heal them.

The physical body is a toy too. It is a giant robot that runs off anything it can chew and swallow. Of course the tongue is the judge of what goes in.

Down in the stomach is a melting pot of acids and strange bacteria in the form of a soup that burns through everything that falls into it.. This is part of what it means to be alive. Instincts to eat.

Over time we have become told what to eat, and in some countries the limits on the variety of food comes down to what can be grown in mass. The plants and meats that produce little money stay off the shelves and out of mind. Just like little kids looking for an easy way to make 25 cents to buy some bubble gum.

By limiting the variety of food we limit our imagination and ruin our health.

This is all of course political, to keep the huge number of people happy, they have to believe that potatoes are gold, because potatoes can be grown in huge amounts. Where as godji beans, are more delicate and would mean less food than potatoes for the general population.


From the politica that regulate (food) we get to the beautiful aspect of life that is designed by geniuses for geniuses. Art. Medicine, economics, politics, Engineering. All this is an Art. Down to basics, Art is a 'competition' or 'expozai' where who has been doing something longer is better, and who can open their mouths more about the subject or does more is an expert . Just like kids on a playground "we've been playing together longer than you, why should you play with us", "look we wrote a million books about gravity we know more than you".

A book is a dangerous weapon. It can destroy a mind and an imagination. Yet it takes imagination to write one.

So the kids find ways to keep themselves busy. After the age of ten, it becomes apparent to most kids that they will be around on this planet for a really long time. In that time there are going to be lots of silent (boring) moments. The solution to this is to create games that take years or even decades to play.

For example, education, in the most basic form, is a memory game. Even mathematics becomes a string theory jumble of symbols, rules and laws governed by what has been accomplished in the past, by kids whom have graduated with honors and made their contributions.

Psychology is even more complex, but has the advantage of being at its core, a task of being a good listener.

Now, how does that make you feel?

Chapter 2:countless:

It's very rude to say that most people/kids, are in one way or another. This idea rips apart the shreds of individualism that we have left in some parts of the world. Other countries (Spain, The United States Of America, Japan) celebrate diversity and are always happy to talk about 'new and exciting cultures and traditions'. Its also very immature to obsess over sex, something there is far to much of on this planet, because the kids are told to avoid having sex until their 18, or until they are married.

Just like waiting for Christmas presents or birthday cake. The more someone has to wait for it, the more they want it!!

To me there are many aspects of today's world that keep progression from occurring. As the main questions remain, "why are we alive" and "what should we do". For a creature that grew from one that sat in a tree and threw poo around, eating leaves, bark, insects, fruits, and maybe its own poo... We are still very close to the tree (and should look out for falling poo).

Questionable as well is the evolution of the modern dwelling, at its basic form it is a cave, in some cases a system of caves. The biggest and last addition was light (and electricity) and since then new additions to the modern way of living have yet to be discovered!

What are these kids up too that they refuse to improve their way of life? Are they outside playing with tanks and airplanes? Are they at the zoo trying to see who can hang out with Lions the most before getting eaten alive. Or are they some-where in a laboratory looking at very small things in awe?

Why is so much knowledge closed away after death, who or what decides how much knowledge is passed on genetically, and de reason for this responsibility to document every detail regarding knowledge and information, is what?

And the deepest possible realization is why has everything human kind accomplished with all of its previous civilizations been erased from being a contributing factor in the modern civilization.

I can answer those questions, can you ?

The ancient forgotten world has etched in stone the knowledge humans once had. Today that same knowledge is lost because of the games we are playing with faith. We are dragging on the day of deliverance for other pursuits. Sex being the first pursuit, followed by power, drugs, and ? In some cases confusion.

That is why clever people have came up with the terms Maturity! Adulthood! Teenager! Youth!

They are playground words as the likes of poopy-breath, cootie-face, brace-case, four-eyes and so forth. These words impose a sense of lack, a thing the person being labeled these words has to conquer to redeem they-self.

It is this creation of bad the restricts and enslaves brothers and sisters.

You are all to immature to understand, but I'm more than happy to explain that the same childhood nick-names, or insults evolve over the course of a lifetime to be complex institutions dedicated to making redemption even harder.

Because if rusty ol brace-face wants to go to an institute where he/she becomes more than a spot welder they have to surpass the daily fatigue of definitive wording. Allowing the 'victim' to become better educated.

Growing up is a trap. It involves talking and doing more. The level of social and economic involvement has to be higher than a little girl who makes enough money a week to buy some ice-cream for herself. An 18 year old person who is beneath this standard is a weak link in the evolutionary chain. Further-more, the level of knowledge has to constantly grow, if at the age of 14 a person reads 5 textbooks a year a decade later that number should at the very least double. Other-wise we have a problem much worse than some du-du in the diaper.

Inactive members of society become weeds on the playground, drug dealers in the parking lot, pedophiles at the mall, bullies at the arcade, bad examples at church, and pieces of shit in the real world.

A child is active, some kids are so active they need more than just two guardians providing them attention. Even the role of a guardian is a game. The added responsibility of guiding a brother or a sister to the right answers for their questions is hard. In most cases it becomes a black or white situation where the younger generation follows in step to what the older one did, improving little if anything. This happens because if something works fixing it is point-less, and improving it is very time consuming.

Take the government of America as an example, it is a system that checks itself if anything becomes to awesome. If the government has to much funds, they become frozen assets, because that money has to be counted and traced back to every source. If the government has a nickle because you bought an apple one day, and one super-market had a mistaken inventory that nickle becomes a one in 50 chance that some of the money belongs anywhere else.

Why am I even mentioning something this stupendous? It is reality. Being professional is a game where winning is a reward in itself.

Being a professional is the equivalent of being part of the cool kids at school, sitting at the popular peoples table or just being that kid everyone wants at their birthday party.

Wasting time? Eating glue paste?

Your wasting time eating bullshit!

Its that simple, after crotch scratching, the smell has to go away, if someone else smells that...They may get hungry. Weather at the office putting together a proposal for an out of court solution to a lawsuit or playing flute in 4th grade music class. Every kid knows that crotch scratching is a secret we each keep to ourselves (except the pioneers!).

Chapter 3

Do's and just why would you !?

Animal instinct is at the very base of the human spirit. So let that animal out gently. What happens when a race horse runs to hard? They break bones, stretch muscles and become a dead horse. Lions have to watch body heat and water consumption, monkeys have to hold on loosely, all these animals are wild but are responsible for their asses.

We all make mistakes on this planet. Wolves made the mistake of getting along with humans instead of eating um and now look. Every animal has to suffer because one apex hunter had pity for another.

Hanging on to an event that has happened, confused and shocked; It is a waste of time. The same thing happens as a 2 year old cries over spilt milk. Behaving as a 2 year old creates a response from the world and an outward appearance of a kid who needs help.

It is good to let others influence decisions, if there just happens to be an outbreak of some disease, the majority will stay away from that disease. In other cases, clothing and public behavior are careful aspects to really pay attention to. Listening rather than speaking over some-one else is ever so important. This becomes irrelevant once a kid has lots of money and anyone listening to that kid only hears pennies falling.

That's called value!

Other-wise be careful when talking about you. It has to be about the person listening. Further-more its called kissing ass. So sugar coat it. Have friends that play baseball? Talk about general baseball facts and start collecting the gems that stabilize baseball as an existent market. Most kids value money, and value the knowledge on how to get it even more.

Make things up, you will benefit from these kinds of chats!

Apart from what to talk about is how to behave in public, and than in private.

Obviously, a mistake lots of people make is to compromise on everything out of the cave. Once they get inside, all their anxiety is waiting there in one form or another and a battle begins. Other people prefer to fill the cave with tears hoping to create a womb where to sit in sanctuary.

Kids have good instincts, they distance themselves from anything displeasing. Maturity teaches people to be tolerate, so that less people are abused (physically, physiologically, socially) yet tolerance only causes more frustration.

Kids laugh at each others, that is true, and little Anny runs home crying. She than is scared to hang out with those mean kids. If those kids were tolerant of Anny they would subtlety break her down until Anny would either serve them coffee at a dinner and give blowjobs for 50 cents or over-come and accept what-ever it is that those mean kids find different with her.

Than tolerance becomes an obsolete idea of an idealistic euphoria. Another kid dream!

Back to proper behavior, something I strongly feel is free choice. As distance and alienation is a by-product of any improper behavior, culture and society still have to evolve past modern standards. Other-wise, we will live side by side with our own garbage. Why should anyone care about little Anny if there are countries littered with trash, how can bullying be a problem when children die of starvation!

Small individual change will fix everything. If you say to yourself; Today I will make things right, I will feel good, I will... Improving others is pointless if your still fucking up yourself.

Damn kid! Where's your brain!

:!Almost done!:

No No no no no No No

If you say no to everybody else, say No to yourself to.

Yes! I refuse to help you.

The difference between these two is that No causes anxiety and stress and all sorts of messed up by-products, including distrust. Yes leads to sincere trust and much more relaxation and companionship.

For example; every-kid in a society is educated to say no and persue personal interest. Good!

Than this playground society gets to the point where it becomes stable and has its growth capped.

The reason why it is unable to grow more is becomes unity has to be established to allow more privileged social activity to exist. Simply put, the kids have de notion that their brothers and sisters will refuse to help them with any en-devours, even those beneficial to their society because their mind-set relates directly to others around them. "What would I say to someone that wants to open a free children hospital, hmm I think I would say, a lot of people will NOT understand the idea, and to worry about him/herself, it will also be very hard, and it has big chances to fail".

What modern countries suffer from this mentality ? Who cares! Worrying about the individual improvements bypasses the limitations of the individual (everyone improves what they see wrong than over time these improvements become part of society and we get world peace).

Chapter number four


There once used to be over 50 variations of bananas. In the days of today, there are 2 species left. Thousands of animals have gone extinct.

Each individual person and family had its own way of living. Than one day, a man invented the washing machine and every home and all the families of the world now strive to own and use a washing machine.

Diet as well has followed this trend to go from diversity to 'main-stream'. Average height exists as a norm, as does the notation of weight to age ratio, ideal clothing, and so on. If 80 percent of the world wears cotton, that means that 20 percent is all the keeps cotton from becoming a singularity.

It will take millions of years, but plausible is the possibility of a future of human beings who walk one behind the other, they talk with the same exact words at the same time, they look exactly the same. In that future the human being will become as the inner workings of an atom, a man an electron being every-where at any given time, a woman a neutron, as well present everywhere. The soil we walk on will be the bits of gravitation and the core of the planet the nucleus.

A deep metaphor but the mind of a child is infinitely creative.

Let us circle bout.

It's mine it's mine !



Possession is an act Demons and Angels manifest on just about everything. Material objects are just that, a compiled form of earth.

When the little kid begins to defend the right to have this material. It is the moment this kid realizes what a notion of time is to all the brothers and sisters.

Born with a notion of freedom the rules of growth and a will of the angels of doom guide The Children Of Amu to the gates of heavens first kingdom.

The first kingdom of heaven is KNOWLEDGE!!

Sleep now to gain infinite fufillement of every curiosity and bind of seeked out wisdom. For Knowledge will come to those who are asleep 'apoi' to those of a wake through the tremors of the earth they walk.

So stay off the asphalt.

Physical fitness and maintenance of a working instrument of celestial exploration requires above all questions, Knowledge.

Today is the year after 2015, the culture of today reflects children whom sit more than than play, who sleep more than they run and who dream much more than they fly. Why?

Some-one got impatient, the Sun went away to many times to count. The children of the Sun beg for true light, yet at night are forever cast into darkness. The solution is to fill a day of light with as much activity as possible before that vibrating gamma ray setting motion to their bodies diminishes to a level so small they fall.

For every 100 miles driven a child shall walk 8 miles. A balance between the carbon foot print and the recovery of a system is carefully calculated by means of near cyborg-genetic calculation. Math dumb dumb :)

I am aweful at math, the second two number go in my head every possible predicament begins to appear; two pears or two electrons ? A water melon and a stick of dynamite ?

A water melon is rooted and than tripled to pie times the mass of the dynamite to count the particles generated (infinite duh).

Search for words but the one who sees is you, the eyes see what are and what is seen by you. Control over seeing everything what stupidity$,

The universe is a fabric. It is a large bag filled with marbles. All of different sizes and shapes. This fabric bag sits on a table. The balls are big, the size of planets, some spin at speeds such as our planet. This fabric is the the time-space idea, it is a tight bag just like the pod of the peas, where the beads warp the pod all around them, this bag is folded on top of itself, and it is infinite As our planet revolves around the sun, centrifugal force pulls our planet away from the sun, but the warped fabric pushes it towards the sun.

From every direction this filled bag pushes every marble towards each other. Some spin, some stand, others do things we do not understand.

All done!

Can I go out and play now?

"Yes Alex, but remember to play nice!"

Udu Dragomir

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I like writting books as much as i like reading them